The best HR & People Analytics articles of January 2020
This is my first monthly collection of articles for the new decade and together they underline that people analytics is now a core component of mainstream HR.
The first four selections in the countdown are all research studies published in the first few weeks of 2020. Each extols the importance of data driven HR:
People Analytics is one of four areas highlighted in LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2020 report
Elevating HR decision science is one of five pivots for the future Chief People Officer in a study by Willis Towers Watson and SHRM
RedThread Research’s analysis of the People Analytics Technology Market highlights the rapid emergence of vendors in this space with combined annual revenues approaching $2bn
Finally, Sierra-Cedar provides evidence on the difference between outcome-focused organisations and the rest.
The progress of the field was further highlighted in the PAFOW San Francisco conference, which took place at the end of January, and in the peer meetings we’ve held for members of Insight222’s People Analytics Program in London and San Francisco (with New York to come this week). People Analytics is the fastest growing area of HR.
On with this month’s selections…
LINKEDIN (GREG LEWIS, ANNE McSILVER, KATE REILLY, MARIA IGNATOVA) – Global Talent Trends 2020 | DAVID GREEN – People Analytics in 2020: Growth, Leading Practices, Case Studies & Ethics
The inclusion of People Analytics by LinkedIn as one of the four key global trends (see FIG 1) shaping the future of HR confirms what we already know – people analytics is here to stay and a fundamental component of a modern and outcome focused HR. The Global Talent Trends 2020 report outlines each of the four trends and offers supporting guidance and case studies on each. I was fortunate enough to contribute to the LinkedIn report and my article offers additional research we’ve conducted at Insight222 on leading practices in people analytics as well as examples from the likes of Dawn Klinghoffer (Microsoft), Eden Britt (HSBC), Jordan Pettman (Nestlé) and Leena Nair (Unilever), which they have all shared with me on the Digital HR Leaders Podcast as to how people analytics has delivered business outcomes in their organisations.
FIG 1: Source: LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2020
RAVIN JESUTHASAN & SUZANNE McANDREW | WILLIS TOWERS WATSON & SHRM HRPS - The Future Chief People Officer: Imagine, Invent, Ignite
A new study exploring the rapidly changing role of the Chief People Officer, which identifies five pivotal imperatives encompassing skills, mindsets and behaviours to help pilot this evolution including unleashing digitalisation and elevating people analytics. Over 500 business and HR leaders participated in a study, which reveals a ton of interesting insights not least the view of Chief People Officers on the current people data capabilities within their organisations (see FIG 2).
FIG 2: Chief People Officers share their decision science capabilities (Source: SHRM & Willis Towers Watson)
STACIA GARR & PRIYANKA MEHROTRA – People Analytics Technology Market | People Analytics Technology Vendors – What You Need to Know
Comprehensive and highly insightful overview of the people analytics technology vendor market by our friends at RedThread Research. In a burgeoning market (with over 90 vendors and $1.7 Bn annual revenue), which many buyers find bewildering this is a fantastic resource you’ll want to spend time poring over not least the market classification matrix highlighted below in FIG 3 and explored in depth in the report.
FIG 3: Classification Matrix of Vendors in the People Analytics Technology Market (Source: RedThread Research)
STACEY HARRIS - Outcome Focused HR: Findings from the 22nd Annual Sierra-Cedar HR Technology Whitepaper
The annual Sierra-Cedar analysis of the HR Technology market has long been the study of choice for many of the most knowledgeable people in our space. The 22nd edition of the report does not disappoint. Stacey Harris’ summary of the main findings highlights the shift of HR as a cost centre to a value creator with the result being a greater emphasis on generating outcomes. Stacey highlights the differences between outcome focused organisations and the rest around four areas with the results being stark – see example below in FIG 4.
FIG 4: The Strategic Perception of HR via Outcome Focused Organisations (Source: Stacey Harris, Sierra-Cedar)
ROB CROSS, AMY EDMONDSON & WENDY MURPHY – A Noble Purpose Alone Won’t Transform Your Company
It’s a common misconception, both in businesses and in management articles and books, that a sense of purpose is what matters most when it comes to engaging employees. As this article reveals, research undertaken by the authors into over 300 companies over the past 20 years (including the use of ONA) reveals that purpose is only one contributing factor; the level and quality of interpersonal collaboration actually has the greatest impact on employee engagement. The article explores why collaboration has that effect and which behaviours should be adopted to nurture it. Features Case Studies from Greg Pryor at Workday, David Sylvester from Amazon Web Services and Kate O’Brien from The Broad Institute.
Leadership behaviours that nurture interpersonal collaboration are the true drivers of change
FIG 5: Three Steps to Productive Collaboration (Source: Rob Cross et al)
DAVE ULRICH - Recognising and Overcoming Unconscious Biases in HR
As Dave Ulrich states in the opening words of his article, “we all have unconscious biases”. Dave describes seven unconscious biases he sees in HR, which he believes has limited the potential of the function to create value and recommends a new way of thinking for each bias. In summary, Dave takes what are mostly inward looking and passive HR biases (e.g. ‘HR professionals support and advise’) and instead suggests a bolder approach (e.g. ‘HR professionals challenge and create’). For more from Dave, I recommend taking his myHRfuture course HRBP 2.0 – The Data-Driven and Digital HR Business Partner.
The HR bias to be “soft” is simply not valid for good HR, which should rely on both quantitative and qualitative data
SOUMYASANTO SEN - 9 Ways that HR Technology can Drive Impact for the Business
A conundrum facing many organisations that have invested heavily in HR software is how to drive greater value for the business and workforce with these technologies beyond an insular focus solely on HR. In his article, Soumya examines nine ways (see FIG 6) where HR Tech can drive real business change and impact.
FIG 6: Nine ways HR Tech can drive business impact (Source: Soumyasanto Sen)
DAVE ZIELINSKI - People Analytics Software Is Changing the HR Game
Following on from the RedThread Research on the people analytics technology market highlighted earlier, this article looks at how technology is helping HR better gather and analyse people data. Features comments from Ian Cook (Visier), Helen Poitevin (Gartner), Kathi Enderes (Bersin by Deloitte), Pete Schlampp (Workday), Elvis Ha (Cornerstone), Kim Lessley (SAP), James Killian (Qualtrics) and Stacia Garr (RedThread Research). A helpful guide to what has become a burgeoning space.
Companies still too often see the delivery of people data as success in itself, rather than striving to answer the most pressing business questions with that data
STELA LUPUSHOR - How People Analytics Can Drive New Business Insights
Despite the arrival of people analytics in the mainstream, a number of myths still remain. In her article, Stela skilfully busts three of the biggest myths: i) People Analytics involves just one kind of analytics, ii) You need expensive technology, and iii) that People Analytics is for HR only. If you like this article, you’ll enjoy listening to Stela talking to me on the Digital HR Leaders Podcast about how HR can be a catalyst for change.
To get started with people analytics, you don’t need big investments in technology. You need something much simpler: the business question you want to answer.
As part of the Nine Dimensions for Excellence In People Analytics model we use for clients at Insight222, we believe that having the right governance structures in place to help with data standards, ethics and privacy and the selection of projects and analytics work will lead to companies having a greater chance of being successful with people analytics. This BCG article provides a comprehensive overview of data governance including FIG 7, illustrating the authors view on the building blocks of good data governance.
To win in the data race, companies need focused data structures, policies, and tools and a target operating model
FIG 7: The building blocks of data governance (Source: BCG analysis).
SARAH O’BRIEN - How to Recruit More Women to Your Company
Watching Sarah’s impressive speech at PAFOW in San Francisco at the end of January prompted me to search out her recent HBR article on the same topic. In the article, Sarah reveals the key findings of several LinkedIn studies around gender and work, highlights differences in job search behaviour between men and women and provides several recommendations on changing the recruitment model.
When women see themselves represented in your firm’s recruiting collateral, they’re more likely to apply
LYNDA GRATTON - What Employees Tell Us About Automation and Re-skilling
In the blaze of articles around automation of tasks and the need to upskill and reskill the workforce, there hasn’t been much research on what employees feel themselves. How are people who perform low- to medium-paying jobs thinking about upskilling and re-skilling? What do they see as the opportunities and challenges? These two questions are answered by Lynda Gratton in this article, which highlights the key findings of research she was recently involved in. One of the conclusions is that employees are actually excited about the prospect of automation, and Lynda offers four actions for companies to capitalise on this enthusiasm, which include involving employees, being transparent on plans, taking an agile approach and investing in training.
Leaders need to create projects that show how jobs will change. They need to give employees an opportunity to see the benefits themselves
MATT ALDER & MARLIEKE POLS – The rise of Talent Intelligence | DAMON KLOTZ & SIMON SINEK - The Infinite Mindset Organization | VOLKER JACOBS & DAVID GREEN – How to scale Employee Experience
There has been a slew of excellent podcasts since the start of the year. The ever-reliable Matt Alder welcomes Marlieke Pols of Philips to talk about her recently published whitepaper on the immense value of talent intelligence. Damon Klotz has recently launched his Culture First Podcast and in the latest episode speaks to Simon Sinek about what makes a great leader. Our first Digital HR Leaders Podcast of the year featured Volker Jacobs who talked to me about how to scale Employee Experience.
BENNET VOORHEES – What is the difference between Passive and Active Organisational Network Analysis?
In this excerpt from his new course on myHRfuture on How to use Python for Organisational Network Analysis, Bennet Voorhees explains the difference between passive and active ONA.
In addition, to my People Analytics in 2020 article, I also published the latest editions of what have become two regular annual undertakings – thanks for the great feedback many of you have provided on both of these collections:
150+ Conferences to attend in 2020 on HR Tech, People Analytics, Employee Experience and the Future of Work
First up, my list of the conferences taking place in 2020 where people analytics, employee experience, HR technology and the future of the week are the dedicated or central theme. There are over 150 conferences chronologically ordered by date and featuring events taking place all over the world from Sydney to San Francisco, and from London to São Paulo.
The 50 best HR and People Analytics articles of 2019
My collection of the 50 best articles on People Analytics and the Future of Work for 2019, which is intended to act as a resource library for those working, researching or interested in the field of people analytics and data-driven HR.
How do you design jobs for people in a world that is ever changing and where employees expect so much more from their work and their employer? In our newest course Lewis Garrad takes you through the fundamentals of job design and how you can help your organisation design better work, what makes a job that people really love and the practicalities of job design for the future of work. Sign-up to the myHRfuture academy for only £25 per month and get access to this course and over 500+ other learning resources.
David is a globally respected writer, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work. As an Executive Director at Insight222, he helps global organisations create more cultural and economic value through the wise and ethical use of people data and analytics. Prior to joining Insight222 and taking up a board advisor role at TrustSphere, David was the Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM Watson Talent. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations embark upon and accelerate their people analytics journeys.
I’ll be chairing and/or speaking about people analytics, data-driven HR and the Nine Dimensions for Excellence in People Analytics model at the following events until the end of May 2020.
11-12 Mar - The People Analytics Program Peer Group Meeting, Amsterdam (hosted by ING - for Insight222 clients only)
16-17 Mar – HR Core Lab – Leading with Talent Analytics, Barcelona
24-25 Mar – UNLEASH Spring, London
23-24 Apr - The People Analytics Program Peer Group Meeting, Seattle (hosted by Microsoft - for Insight222 clients only)
27 Apr - Employee Experience Summit, Vienna
29-30 Apr – PAFOW London