Building a Data-Driven Culture: How to Engage the C-Suite with People Analytics


As HR and people analytics Leaders, we are well aware of the value that people analytics can have on the organisation. After all, it's what we do. However, demonstrating that to the C-suite is a whole other ball game. We are on the precipice of building a data-driven culture.

Yet, to achieve this, we need to engage the C-suite in our people analytics initiatives. Only then can we secure resources and support and ensure our efforts align with the overall business strategy.

Understanding the C-Suite Perspective

In our 2023 People Analytics Trends Report, Investing to Deliver Value: A New Model for People Analytics, we found that leading companies in people analytics understand that for people analytics to make a significant impact, it must be intrinsically linked to the organisation's key business priorities. In other words, if we are to derive actionable insights that drive strategic decisions, we need to ensure that our people analytics efforts are not conducted in isolation but are instead closely tied to the most pressing business goals.

C-suite executives have distinct priorities that drive their decision-making processes. These typically include financial performance, risk management, customer satisfaction, innovation and growth. Therefore, as HR and people analytics leaders, it's important to view people analytics from the C-suite perspective and demonstrate how it directly supports their priorities.

Some ways to understand the C-suite perspective include: 

  • Conducting regular meetings with C-suite executives to discuss business goals and challenges.

  • Attending company-wide strategy sessions or town halls to gain insights into current business priorities.

  • Reviewing annual reports and financial statements to understand key metrics that drive decision-making.

The Insight222 Operating Model for People Analytics also recommends establishing a Demand Engine comprised of consultants who collaborate directly with HR and business executives. This approach is designed to understand and prioritise the most critical business challenges people analytics can address.

By engaging closely with key stakeholders, these consultants can ensure that people analytics initiatives are closely aligned with the organisation's strategic goals and can deliver valuable insights that support informed decision-making. As a result, the C-suite is more likely to champion people analytics, ensuring consistent support and resource allocation.

Demonstrating the Value of People Analytics

The value of people analytics can be measured in multiple ways. It can help organisations identify and address potential issues before they become major problems, reduce employee turnover, improve employee engagement, optimise workforce planning and enhance workforce experiences. However, the C-suite often prioritises financial performance above all else. As such, it's important to demonstrate the direct impact of people analytics on the bottom line.

Take, for instance, LG Electronics. By taking the time to understand the business's objective to improve sales performance, the people analytics team took the opportunity to identify the key competencies that drive sales success in the company. As a result, LG Electronics was able to target specific skills and training and development efforts that ultimately led to the company's increase in sales performance. And by tying people analytics directly to financial performance, the C-suite was convinced of its value and continued to support and invest in such initiatives.

As demonstrated by the case study, proving the value, calculating and presenting the return on investment (ROI) of people analytics initiatives is crucial. This can include cost savings from reduced turnover, increased revenue from improved productivity, and other measurable business outcomes. 

It is here that building a close relationship with finance is imperative to help understand the financial metrics important to the C-suite and present a precise ROI analysis for people analytics initiatives. In fact, our research found that companies that measure the commercial value of people analytics often build strong relationships with finance executives, allowing them to better communicate the benefits and impact of people analytics initiatives.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative

Of course, when it comes to engaging any audience, including the C-suite, storytelling is key. Making complex analytics understandable and actionable, framing data within a narrative that highlights its relevance to business priorities.

By using visually appealing dashboards and infographics to present people analytics data, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with the C-suite. For instance, instead of simply presenting turnover numbers, you could use a visual depiction to show how an increase or decrease in turnover directly impacts the bottom line. This makes it easier for executives to understand the value of people analytics and its impact on business success.

In addition to storytelling through visuals, it's important to craft a clear and concise written narrative when sharing insights with the C-suite. Keep in mind their busy schedules and limited time, so being able to communicate the key takeaways quickly and effectively is essential.

As depicted in our Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale report, storytelling with data is a critical skill that HR professionals need to develop in order to build a data-driven culture within their organisations. This skill is highly required if HR and people analytics leaders are to effectively engage the C-suite in understanding the value of people analytics.

At Insight222, we recommend building this capability into your upskilling programs for HR and people analytics teams. This includes training on data visualisation tools, storytelling techniques, and effective communication strategies. We have an array of these courses in myHRfuture Academy, designed specifically for HR professionals to gain the skills they need to succeed in the ever-evolving world of people analytics. 

Building a Data-Driven Culture

However, it's not just about upskilling HR and people analytics teams. It's also important to build a data-driven culture that permeates throughout the organisation. This includes:

  • Investing in Technology: Ensure the organisation has the necessary tools and technologies to support people analytics.

  • Developing Skills: This requires a focus on consulting, influencing stakeholders, data interpretation, building recommendations from insights, and storytelling.

  • Fostering Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between HR, finance, and other departments to leverage people analytics effectively.

  • Measuring and Communicating Value: Regularly measure the impact of people analytics initiatives and communicate these results to the C-suite.

  • Promote Data-Driven Decision Making: Embed data-driven decision-making processes within the organisational culture.

Strategies for Ongoing Engagement

Engaging the C-suite in people analytics is an ongoing effort that requires continuous communication and collaboration. Therefore, if you want to maintain this engagement and support, consider the following strategies:

  • Regularly Update Executives: Provide frequent updates on the progress and impact of people analytics initiatives.

  • Showcase Success Stories: Highlight successful projects and their business impact.

  • Align with Business Goals: Continuously align people analytics efforts with evolving business priorities.

  • Build Relationships: Foster strong relationships with key stakeholders, including finance and executive leaders.

  • Be Transparent: Be open and transparent about the data and methodologies used in people analytics initiatives.

Overcoming Challenges

But don't be deceived by the potential rewards. Engaging the C-suite in people analytics can also come with its own set of challenges. More often than not, people are resistant to change—especially when it comes to investments in new technology and processes. And if there is scepticism over the ethical use of employee data, gaining buy-in from the C-suite can become even more difficult.

Therefore, ensuring the ethical use of data is paramount. As such, we found that one of the eight characteristics of leading companies is their commitment to ethical and responsible data use. They establish strong ethical standards and communicate them clearly to stakeholders to build trust and avoid potential backlash.

Additionally, in our more recent research, Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v2.0, we found that change management is a crucial component in successfully implementing people analytics initiatives. Therefore, it's important to continuously emphasise the benefits and potential impact of people analytics and address any concerns or questions from the C-suite.


Engaging the C-Suite in People Analytics for Business Success

In conclusion, engaging the C-suite in people analytics drives its success and impact. By crafting a compelling narrative through data visualisation and storytelling, upskilling HR and people analytics teams, promoting a data-driven culture, and continuously communicating with executives, organisations can effectively engage the C-suite in understanding the value of people analytics.

It won't be without its challenges, but by addressing ethical concerns and emphasising the potential benefits, organisations can facilitate more data-driven decision-making and, ultimately, improved business success.

But it all boils down to one key factor: the ability to effectively communicate and engage with the C-suite. By developing this skill and incorporating it into upskilling programs, organisations can ensure that people analytics becomes a core component of the overall business strategy.

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