Revolutionising Workplace Experience through Employee Insights and Analytics


With all the data we hold on our employees, from the interactions they make within the organisation to their performance metrics and engagement levels, there is a huge opportunity for HR leaders to use this valuable information to revolutionise the workplace experience.

As such, during our most recent Digital HR Leaders Podcast series sponsored by Worklytics, we asked each guest, "How can HR leaders harness the power of employee insights and analytics to revolutionise the workplace experience?" A question we posed deliberately due to its substantial weight in discussions about the future of work. 

So, what did our guests have to say?

Address the Unknown Unknowns

Leveraging employee insights and analytics is crucial for understanding the unknowns. A brilliant point that Craig Starbuck, Head of People Analytics at Roku, made during his discussion on Understanding the Build Vs Buy Dilemma in HR Tech. He highlighted the importance of not just looking at the data that is already in our possession and peripheral view, but also exploring the unknowns.

This means going beyond merely reporting on metrics such as employee engagement or turnover rates, but digging deeper to uncover new insights that could transform how we think about our employees' experience at work. Quoting Craig,

 "So, there's some known unknowns and some unknown unknowns, meaning there's some things that I know I don't know the answer to. Maybe it's the characteristics of effective leaders. We need to research that, we need to glean that. But there's a lot of things I don't know that I don't know, and that's scary, right, because there's a lot of missed opportunity there." 

He continues to add that to address the unknown unknowns, we need to start thinking like researchers. We must be curious, ask questions and test hypotheses through data analysis. But when it comes to the unknown unknowns, we need to be open-minded and willing to explore new ideas and insights that could potentially transform the workplace experience for our employees. This is where he suggested that,

"Whether it's through passive digital exhaust or through active signals or through the vast data that we have across other applications across the business, that can surface and highlight these unknown unknowns."

In essence, it is about using employee insights and analytics to identify and address blind spots in our understanding of the workplace experience, leading us to new opportunities for improvement. 

Supporting the notion of going beyond traditional metrics, Catherine Coppinger, Head of Customer Insights at Worklytics, during her conversation on How to Use Passive Data to Enhance Manager Effectiveness, recommended,

"Leveraging all of the data that's available to you, including the more operational behavioural type insights. By doing that, you can have an outsized impact on workflows at your company and ultimately organisational effectiveness." 

Cultivate a Data-Driven Mindset

However, to achieve this, there needs to be a shift in mindset within HR functions. As put by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, Founder and CEO of Storytelling with Data, during her guest episode on Mastering Storytelling for HR Transformation,

"That means investing in themselves, getting the right tools and technologies, maybe even attending a Storytelling with Data workshop, and really fostering a culture of openness and continuous feedback. And I'll stress, not just the importance of the collection of the data, but also actively listening to it and acting upon it to create a workplace where employees feel empowered, engaged, and valued; and do all of this while leveraging the power of story."

 With an emphasis on not just collecting and analysing data, but also actively listening and acting upon it to drive change, it is clear that a data-driven mindset is essential for HR leaders looking to harness the power of employee insights and analytics. If this is not fostered within the HR function, then it is unlikely that we will uncover those unknown unknowns and make use of the full potential of employee data that we have at our disposal. 

Make Use of Technology and AI 

Another key takeaway from the Worklytics sponsorship of this series for the Digital HR Leaders podcast was the role of technology and AI in leveraging employee insights and analytics. 

Nickle LaMoreaux, Chief Human Resources Officer at IBM, made a very valid and intriguing point on the use of technology and AI to help improve the workplace experience for employees. She said, 

"We've often thought about employee insights and analytics as us uncovering these insights and telling the organisation about themselves. For me, I think things are shifting. With AI platforms, we can now listen and get analytics and insights from more people in real time. AI allows us to ingest that feedback in real time. Rather than us using analytics to tell the organisation, let the organisation tell us."

With technology at our fingertips, we have a significant advantage, and it is up to us as HR leaders to use these tools to better understand our employees' needs and improve their workplace experience.

Build a Strong Analytical Foundation

However, it is more than just investing in HR upskilling programs and buying the shiniest tool on the market. For HR Leaders to truly drive change through employee insights and analytics, they need to lay a strong analytical foundation. 

As said by Loren Shuster, Chief People Officer at the LEGO Group, 

"You need to build a foundation, you need the right technology, you need a scalable platform... and obviously you need the right capabilities."

This means investing in the right technology, developing analytical skills within the HR function and building strong partnerships with data and analytics teams. Without a solid foundation, it would be challenging to fully leverage employee insights and analytics to address those unknown unknowns and drive real change within the workplace.

But most importantly, and a great way to end the article, Loren expresses that to truly revolutionise the workplace experience

"The goal has to be about enabling each and every person to be as much of themselves each and every day so that they can deliver the highest level of output for the organisation. And that's easy to say on an individual basis, but then you have the complexity of, okay, but that complex individual human being is interacting with another complex human being, in a pair, in a triad, in an intact team, in an informal team and that's where analytics and insights has to play a role, because the complexity is exponential and the analytics and insight can provide pointers and insights as to how to unlock that potential". 

Unlock Employee Potential with Data and Analytics Insights

Leveraging employee insights and analytics is not just about collecting data or implementing the latest technology. It requires a shift in mindset, building a strong analytical foundation, and making use of the vast array of data available to us. Most importantly, it is about truly understanding and empowering our employees to be their best selves at work. With this approach, we can uncover those unknown unknowns and drive real change within the workplace, creating a culture of continuous improvement and growth. 

So, the key takeaways from that series are to stay curious, be open-minded and keep exploring the vast world of employee data. Who knows what hidden gems you may uncover along the way. 

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